Massage Therapy for Back and Neck Pain

Back or neck pain can disrupt your day and affect your performance or ability to focus. With time, pain may improve on its own, but ignoring the discomfort can be difficult and may worsen the problem.

Some people turn to massage therapy to ease the pain. But before you try it, here's what you need to know:

Woman getting back and neck massage
 Erik Leonsson / Getty Images

The Research on Massage for Back Pain: Can It Help?

There is evidence supporting the use of massage therapy for pain relief, particularly in the short-term. In a review study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, for instance, scientists analyzed 25 previously published studies on the use of massage for low back pain and found that massage was better at reducing sub-acute and chronic back pain (but not acute back pain) and improving function in the short-term, compared to an inactive treatment.

Compared to other treatments thought to be beneficial, massage was found to be better for pain in both the short- and long-term, but did not improve function. The researchers also noted that the most common adverse event was increased pain in 1.5% to 25% of participants.

Another review, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2017, examined previously published trials on massage for acute or chronic low back pain. In eight out of nine trials, massage was more effective than other interventions such as exercise, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, and manipulation.


Watch Now: All About Deep Tissue Massage

This video has been medically reviewed by Casey Gallagher, MD.

Types of Massage for Back or Neck Pain

There are several types of massage often used for back or neck pain. Swedish massage is the most common type of massage in the United States. Also known simply as massage therapy, Swedish massage involves laying on a massage table with the massage therapist using long, smooth strokes with oil or lotion. People who have never had ​a massage often start with Swedish massage.

Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. This type of massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, postural problems, and repetitive strain.

There may be some level of physical discomfort during a deep tissue massage, as the massage therapist works on the deeper muscle layers. People may feel sore after the massage.

Another option is shiatsu, a form of Japanese bodywork. Clothing is usually worn during the shiatsu treatment, so it is a good treatment if someone prefers to remain fully clothed.

The therapist applies localized finger pressure to points on the body. Since the pressure is localized, the pressure of shiatsu feels deep.

Although it's no substitute for a massage by a trained therapist, in some cases a massage cushion may be worth considering. They fit on many desk chairs or can be placed on a sofa. Stores often have floor models to try.

If you have insurance coverage for massage therapy, find out what type of massage is covered.

When to See Your Healthcare Provider

Consult your primary care provider about your back pain, if you haven't already. You should also seek medical attention if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Persistent back pain
  • Back pain that awakens you in the night
  • Changes in bowel or bladder function
  • Numbness, weakness, or pain around the genitals, arms, or legs
  • Fever, chills, sweats
  • Any other unusual or new symptoms

Before starting any new therapy, including massage therapy, talk with your healthcare provider to be sure that it's appropriate for you.

A Word From Verywell

If you have back or neck pain, your healthcare provider may suggest non-drug therapies. There's some evidence that massage may provide short-term pain relief, although evidence from larger-scale clinical trials is needed.

Other evidence-based measures to consider include exercise, hot and/or cold packs, mindfulness-based stress reduction, progressive muscle relaxation, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are there different types of massage for back pain?

    Yes, there are different types of massage for back pain treatment. A few common techniques include acupressure (shiatsu), deep-tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, Swedish massage, myofascial release, and cranial-sacral therapy. If you have a condition that affects your lower back or neck, it may be a good idea to ask your healthcare provider for their opinion on which massage technique is right for you.

  • Do massages help treat back pain?

    In many cases, massages can help with short-term back pain relief, but they are often less effective for treating chronic, long-lasting back pain. In these cases, it may be a good idea to work with a healthcare provider so they can offer a treatment plan for long-term relief alongside massage therapy.

  • How do I find massages for back pain near me?

    You can find massages for back pain near you by visiting the website of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). This resource can help you find a number of professionally-trained and qualified massage therapists. Otherwise, you can speak to your healthcare provider or even ask a friend if they have recommendations for a massage therapist.

6 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Farber K, Wieland LS. Massage for low-back pain. Explore (NY). 12(3):215-7. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001929.pub3

  2. Chou R, Deyo R, Friedly J, et al. Nonpharmacologic therapies for low back pain: A systematic review for an american college of physicians clinical practice guideline. Ann Intern Med. 166(7):493-505. doi:10.7326/M16-2459

  3. Duke Health. When can a doctor help your back pain?

  4. Harvard Health Publishing. Sore Back? Try a Massage.

  5. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Massage Therapy: What You Need to Know.

  6. American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). Find a Massage Therapist.

Additional Reading
Cathy Wong

By Cathy Wong
Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health.